Crossover Design: 2D – 3D

Defamiliarised Renaissance motifs from nature are abstracted further and further in two dimensions and then reinterpreted in three dimensions. Computer-generated pattern details thus become unusual innovative facade reliefs of contemporary architecture.

Projektpartner: ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier, Office Stuttgart, Competition Cooperation

„I am particularly fascinated by Beate’s ability to see simple objects in a different context; she seeks out the surprise in the seemingly ordinary. In her formal language, however, she focuses explicitly on the core message of the product. I always find working with her very effective, she proves to be a real and joyful addition to our regular team.“
Philipp Dechow Prof. Dr.-Ing., registered architect and urban planner, professor of urban planning and urban design, MA course in urban planning at the HFT Stuttgart. Managing Partner of ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier.